More Than 40 Years Of

Legal Experience

Photo of John E. Lange III

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Comprehensive Business And Commercial Law Advocacy

The attorneys at Lange, Quill & Powers, PLC, uphold the rights of creditors throughout an array of legal issues. With a reputation for excellence across northern Kentucky for over 40 years, we value our relationships with local banks, national lenders, creditors and more. We will protect your rights and long-term interests. When the reputation of your business is at stake, you need skilled legal guidance to pursue your interests.

Representing Businesses In A Wide Array Of Actions

We represent businesses in all stages of their operations. Our counsel has guided owners through the initial process of entity selection. We also provide guidance in drafting business contracts with vendors, among other owners or shareholders, and resolve disputes that may arise. The trust we establish with our clients also explains why so many rely on us for ongoing corporate counsel services.

If disagreements cannot be resolved outside of court, we are also skilled at breach of contract litigation. Of course, sometimes simply sending a letter from us is sufficient to avoid litigation. However, if a lawsuit is required, we will represent you in cases of:

  • Commercial or residential foreclosures
  • Commercial collections for unpaid bills
  • Collections for personal loans
  • Loan defaults

Failure or inability to pay can result from unexpected circumstances or negligent actions. However, as a creditor, you have rights to enforce the fulfillment of your agreement to recover as much as possible.

A Reputation For Effective Business Litigation

We make all attempts to settle disputes amicably and swiftly. When this is impossible, our attorneys are skilled litigators as well. Conveniently located across from the courthouse in Newport, we leverage our reputation and knowledge of the law to seek a fair resolution. We will pursue structuring an agreeable payment plan, entering into a settlement or more.

Speak With A Knowledgeable Lawyer

When the fulfillment of your agreement with a debtor is at stake, we provide necessary guidance. Schedule a free initial consultation with us by calling 859-279-0003 or by sending us an email.